Finnian's blog

Software Engineer based in New Zealand

DockerCon 2017 - highlights & experiences

Check out what I got up to at DockerCon17, including my Docker load monitor which I did a demo of in my presentation as well as my top moments of the week.

6-Minute Read

So, DockerCon! It turns out that building cool stuff gets you places. Back in 2016, I built a Docker Swarm from 5 Raspberry Pis by following Captain Alex Ellis’ tutorial and then went on to create two different visualisations for the swarm to demonstrate real time load balancing. This was picked up by Alex who got in touch soon after with the amazing news that Docker wanted to invite me to DockerCon17 in Austin, TX! I was incredibly excited about the prospect and asked if I would be able to give…

My programming story... so far

Find out how I went from learning to program with a Raspberry Pi to deploying distributed apps & services on servers in different locations!

9-Minute Read

When I was 12, I was given a Raspberry Pi. For the first couple of days, it was really fun. After I had browsed the web for a while and played a bit of Minecraft, it sat in it’s box for a few months. I really had no idea what to do with it. That was until I discovered that I could build a website with it.

How does my stuff work?

See how I deploy my code to squeeze as much performance out of them as possible using technologies like Nginx, Docker and Node.js.

4-Minute Read

I have a bit of a complex set up with all my sites and services, mainly due to using a multitude of different tools and languages to deploy different things. Currently, I have one main OVH server which most of my stuff is hosted on, including different database engines, Node.js and PHP apps.

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