Finnian's blog

Software Engineer based in New Zealand

SSL with Docker Swarm, Let's Encrypt and Nginx

Deploying to Docker swarm with Nginx and SSL, courtesy of Let's Encrypt. Learn how to setup certificates, Nginx, a compose file, automatic renewal and more!

4-Minute Read

A couple of weeks ago, Let’s Encrypt announced that support for wildcard certificates was coming in Jan 2018 which got me and my devops friends very excited. Currently with LE, you have to specify all the domains (including www) you want to include in the certificate which is really annoying. With wildcard certificates, this limitation will be gone and you’ll be able to create one certificate for all the different subdomains. 🙌

Rapid development with Node.js and Docker

Bullet proof guide on how to create tiny Docker images for Node.js in production, configure your dev environment, automate your release cycle and more!

6-Minute Read

I have quite a few Nodejs repos on GitHub and until now I’ve not migrated any of them to Docker because I didn’t really know how. The other day I had a ping on Twitter about the URL shortener I helped complete early this year, so I decided that now was the time to work out the best way to do it:

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